The Research
Providing evidence can be a challenging thing when it comes to the human body.
Advanced understanding of physics and chemistry over the past few decades has allowed us to look at how our body works all the way down to the biomolecular level. Modern medicine was built upon the foundation of reductionism – breaking down our entire body and categorizing it into smaller systems, and continuing to reduce those systems down until we are at a cellular/molecular level. This reductionism has also paired nicely with the way Newton looked at the world – as one big machine.
This is the level on which most studies are conducted on – reducing complex systems into simple parts paired with viewing the body as a sum of its parts.
On a cellular level, we can say with a lot of certainty how we work.
It’s clear to us.
In fact, it’s so clear we can create powerful drugs that target specific cells and their function – yet when we start reversing this thinking and begin to piece the body back together again…this is where things get fuzzy.
This “putting the puzzle back together again” is where we start to move away from solid fact and into this unknown territory that is left wide open to opinions because the variables are often too numerous to study and research with the accuracy we have when we zoom in on single-cell functions.
The more we start looking at how these trillions of cells add up to form various systems that all depend and rely on each other to help our body function, the more complex things become, and the harder it is to study and research.
When we zoom out and study how all the systems interact as a whole, we can begin to see how muscles in the legs influence the ability for us to digest food. How our ability to digest food affects our energy levels and hormone regulation and vice versa. How our ability to regulate hormones impacts our mood. How our mood impacts our mental health. How our mental health impacts our respiratory and circulatory system. And then further how all of this impacts our movement… and the complicated cycle of cause and effect, action and reaction continues.
We can only conduct studies in an attempt to find information that moves us closer to a place or certainty.
When it comes to the experts within the medical community, the word “evidence” is rarely used because most experts know that the way we study the body is mainly suggestive, not absolute.
We all have something we are looking for that will be the thing to convince us that something is true or not.
Some people need photographic evidence, others need video evidence, some need peer reviewed studies, some need the raw data behind those studies because they don’t trust the variables in which the studies were conducted…and most of us just need to experience a change before our mind can be convinced.
That being said…
I created this page specifically so You can find the evidence you are looking for. These are just some of the resources in which I’ve pulled information from over the past decade to help people heal from chronic pain and movement dysfunctions.
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