Special Launch Week Offer…

Save $300 on Your Lifetime Membership for The Movement Program 2.0

(This Week Only)

Move Better, Feel Better, and Live Better With a Personalized Approach to Movement

Unlike the other solutions out there where “one size fits all,” The Movement Program uses proprietary A.I. to adapt to your unique imbalances and movement challenges. 

As you complete more and more routines, our system will learn what your body responds to and create a customized schedule that’s unique to YOU and your needs. 

Allowing you to get results faster by targeting the specific imbalances and problem areas preventing you from feeling your best. 

Think of it like having a personal movement coach in your pocket 24/7… 

But without the $10,000/year price tag.

If you...

And you’re ready to get back to…

Then I Want to Invite you to Get LIFETIME Access to The Movement Program 2.0 for 30% OFF

(This Week Only)​​

Join 4,000+ other people from around the globe who’ve used this system to overcome chronic pain, rehabilitate lifelong injuries, and reclaim control of their bodies and their lives

Phase #1:

Relax & Rediscover

To correct your underlying issues, our first objective is to help you unwind your body and rebalance your movement.

Each daily routine takes anywhere from 15-25 minutes and will give you some early wins, which will result in you starting to move and feel better.


In this 8 week phase you'll:

Phase #2:

Restore Functionality

This is where the program adapts to address your specific needs.

Based on AI technology, you’ll learn specific routines custom-tailored to meet your specific needs so that you move and feel your best.

In this 8 week phase you'll:

Phase #3:

Build Strength

This phase is all about getting stronger.

That means we’ll be focusing on getting your joints and muscles to move together at the same time.

As a result, your flexibility, mobility, stability, coordination, and body control will improve. 

All of this will add up to you feeling more, capable and confident moving around due to your muscles being able to work much better now.


In this 12 week phase you will:

Phase #4:

Introduce Dynamic Full-Body Movement

Dynamic exercises remind dozens of muscles how to work together as a team.

The better your muscles can work together as a team, the easier, smoother, and stronger you will feel.

In this phase, you will learn specific movements that get your ankles, knees, hips, pelvis, spine, and shoulders to work and move together.


In this 12 week phase you will:

Phase #5:


The Movement Program is ultimately about two things:

Getting out of pain and rebalancing muscle function

Developing a strategy to stay out of pain long-term and maintain balanced muscle function

Phase 5 will show you how to maintain the amazing results you’ve achieved long-term.

You will fine-tune your perfect schedule of movements, exercises, and routines that help you feel your best


In this 16 week phase you'll:

What Sort Of Results Can You Expect?

Everybody is different.


And your results will depend on where you are when you come into The Movement Program (and how consistent you are with the program).


I can’t promise you that you’ll feel 100% better after 30-days, 90-days, or even 6 months.


But what I CAN say for sure is that the students who put in the work get results.

64% of our clients feel instant relief after just one session.

And when we surveyed 565 of our Movement Program members after they followed the course for 30-days, this is what they reported.

And that 13% that didn’t notice any changes? 


They’re completely normal! 


It took me months of showing up for myself every single day before I started to make real progress healing my body. 




You can’t expect to undo 5-10 years (or more) of damage in 5-10 days. 


Healing takes as long as it takes. 


But one thing is for sure… 


It will NEVER happen if you don’t take the first step

So why not take that step today?

Wondering If the Movement Program Will Work For You?

We’ve had students use the systems we teach to heal:

Back Pain


Herniated Discs

Bulging Discs

Muscle Tension and Tightness

Leg Length Discrepancy



Si Joint Pain

Flat Feet

Degenerative Disc Disease

High Arches

Asymmetrical Pain




Neck Pain


Hand and Wrist Pain

Knee Pain

Shoulder Impingement

Hip Impingement

Hip Disparity

Tennis Elbow

Golfers Elbow


Here’s Everything You Get When You Join Today:

Plus, This Week Only Lock In Your $300 Founder’s Discount on the Movement Program 2.0

In the future, we’ll likely sell this program for $1,997. 


And even at that price it would be a steal. 


When you do the math… 


A single 1-on-1 session with a movement therapist can cost between $150 and $200 an hour (which is whatI used to charge for 1-on-1 sessions)… 


Meaning that getting a custom movement program––that’s tailored to your body––every week for a year could run you anywhere from $8,000 to $10,000! 


But today… 


We’re not even charging 1/10th of that. 


As a special launch-week discount… 


We’re offering the updated Movement Program 2.0 for just ONE payment of $697 or 12 payments of $75. 



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