Understanding Stretching and Flexibility

Both positions over time will lengthen the hamstring.

It’s in how the hamstrings achieve their length over time that makes all the difference.

You can increase hip mobility in the first position through spinal driven levers, which can place excessive stress on the spine if the hips aren’t mobile enough and ready to receive force. In other words, the spine receives the primary force, the hips are secondary.

Or, you can increase hip mobility in the second position through hip driven levers taking the excessive stress off the spine and sending that stress into the hips where it belongs while the upper body relaxes and unwinds – the primary forces stays in the hips and doesn’t offshore or leak anywhere else.

This kind of thinking is behind all 110+ exercises and rebalancing movement sequences in our online program that take the entire body into consideration when mobilizing and restoring function!

To set up properly:

1 -Lie down on your back, pelvis close enough to the wall where it’s not lifting up off the floor.

2 – The bottom of your side rib age and the top of your pelvis should be equidistant from each other.

3 – Tighten your quads (front thighs) and point your toes straight back.

4 – Pull all 10 toes evenly down toward the ground.

5 – Observe your breath and relax your upper body.

6 – Hold for 4:00min.

Extra credit – could you feel or see any difference in how the right and left leg are able to do this? 

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